craft 18 ---


The central research question of the project “Practice Based Research – Manual & Material Culture” of the New Design University (NDU), St. Pölten is:

How can knowledge of craftsmanship from the second half of the 20th century be connected to the changing life and work environment of the 21st century?

On the bases of this research question, the research project is divided into two chronological-historical spheres: the 20th and the 21st century. The first part of the project considers the 20th century: students and teachers of the course “Manual & Material Culture” at the NDU conduct autobiographical-narrative interviews, and sociologists at the University of Vienna are actively involved in the evaluation process.

Project Leader
Univ.-Prof. (NDU) Mag. Hans Stefan Moritsch
Mag.a Anna Wanka, Department of Sociology, University of Vienna

Scientific Assistant
MA Julia Pinstuk-Christof

Time frame
2014 - 10.2016

Financed by the Austrian Science Fund of Lower Austria.


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